CONNECTPlus for Women's Health Hubs

Improving access to women's health services and reducing inequalities

  • Meet NHSE's timelines
  • Deliver content across the 8 core services, and more
  • Be able to offer a virtual delivery option
  • Deliver care closer to home
  • Improve the patient experience
  • Tackle health inequalities
  • Reduce the pressure on secondary care and waiting lists

CONNECTPlus provides you with a simple tool to achieve these NHSE goals for your ICB.

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Watch our webinar with Suffolk and North East Essex ICB

Suffolk and North East Essex Integrated Care Board are up and running with CONNECTPlus for their Women's Health Hub and we ran a webinar to explore the "Why, What and How of Women's Health Hubs".

It's only 30 minutes and you will get a real flavour of how to get up and running and how we can help you.

It is led by Lizzie Mapplebeck, the Associate Director of Strategic Change at the ICB who provides so many thoughts about the approach that you can adopt.

Delivering all the core services, and more

CONNECTPlus is a multiple condition app

  • You can provide virtual support for all the core services in one place
  • Breast pain, Cervical screening, Contraception, Menstruation Menopause, Preconception, Pessary, STIs and HIV
  • And you can add any other conditions or treatment pathways that you want
  • Enabling you to provide a complete service for all women, on a single platform

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A wide range of digital tools to support women

  • Education and information for the eight core conditions, and more
  • Use of any of our over 1,000 patient facing videos
  • Add a set of common FAQs
  • Provide links to local clinics and services and local and national charities
  • Add details about local clinics; locations, contact points, services, facilities
  • Offer symptom trackers and surveys
  • Create digital pathways of care to guide women through their treatment programmes and support

Enabling, Educating and Empowering patients

Who are HCI?

At HCI we transform pathways of care using digital information to educate and empower patients and to improve their care. We do this using:

  • Our CONNECTPlus app. The only app that allows patients to manage all their conditions in one place
  • The Health and Care Video Library. Over 1,000 videos that support patients by educating them about their condition and treatment pathways

We work with over 20 NHS trusts and the Health and Care Video Library has been used by NHS England to support hospitals and GP practices nationally during the COVID-19 pandemic.