'When you've got a new disease and you don't know how to cope, and you're isolated at home, it can be very frightening. Very frightening.' Lily, patient

We are living in a world where the demand for healthcare exceeds the supply. We have a global shortage of healthcare professionals, an increasing ageing population, and increasing multiple morbidities.
Currently 15 million people in the UK have a long term condition. 1 in 4 of us live with at least 2. Long term conditions have the greatest healthcare needs of the population (50% of all GP appointments and 70% of all bed days) and their treatment and care absorbs 70% of acute and primary care budgets in England.
In order to tackle this challenge, we need to shift to new ways of working where more patients are at the centre of personalised care that's delivered closer to home. We believe digital is the answer.
Patients have told us and our clients that they want to use apps to manage their health. But it would be impossible for a health system to offer an app for each pathway, procedure or condition. We've also been told by patients that having multiple apps that don't 'talk to each other' is more of a hinderance than a help.

With this in mind, we knew we needed to use our expertise and resources to help the healthcare capacity challenge by supporting an holistic approach to whole person care. With CONNECTPlus we are providing a quick to implement solution to patient education and remote monitoring to support PIFU, admission avoidance and improved efficiencies in any pathway, condition or procedure.