Project Launch: Extensive Ophthalmology patient video series now live
To support the ambitions of the National Outpatient Transformation and Pathway Improvement Programmes, HCI has been working with NHS England and NHS Improvement to produce a series of ophthalmology information videos. The videos will be used to support an estimated 2 million people living with sight conditions such as glaucoma, cataracts and age-related macular degeneration (AMD).
28 patient-facing videos have been written and produced by HCI’s team of clinical scriptwriters, videographers and graphic designers, in collaboration with The Royal College of Ophthalmologists, Moorfields Eye Hospital, Torbay and South Devon NHS Ophthalmology Department, the National Outpatient Transformation Programmes team, the National Eye Care Recovery and Transformation Programme and a number of UK charities.
As ophthalmology departments work hard to recover services as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, these videos will be used to assist in the continuation and improvement of eye care services, supporting people to understand transformations in care pathways such as remote consultations, and management of their eye conditions, with easy to understand content that explains risk, consent, options for treatment, options for support and self-care including post-surgery.
Mel Hingorani, National Eye Care Recovery and Transformation Programme co-Clinical Lead, NHS England and Improvement said “The Outpatient Transformation Programme is supporting implementation of new initiatives and digital solutions that will help to ensure services continue to meet the needs of all our patients. These videos provide accessible, quality-assured information for patients and can shorten or replace information-giving appointments, helping to free up clinical time which in turn supports the recovery of hospital services.”
Videos include ‘I have a problem with my eyes - where should I go?’, ‘What do I need to do when preparing for cataract surgery or other eye surgery?’ and ‘What should I do after glaucoma surgery and what if I have problems?’
The videos are now available on HCI’s National Health and Care Video Library the clinically assured information is easy to access for those working in primary, acute and community care, as well as high street ophthalmologists and sight charities for sharing with their patients.
Next phase
Further work with Moorfields Eye Hospital, NHS England and NHS Improvement, Manchester Eye Hospitals and Glaucoma UK will see HCI’s CONNECTPlus multiple conditions app used as a testbed for an enhanced delivery programme of support that provides patients with access to the videos alongside health tracking, medication and appointment management tools.